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Fighting Children's Cancer Together

Aoife's Bubbles

Our Mascot 

Meet Bubbles - our 14 year old, 28 inch miniature Shetland mascot who helps us in tackling childhood cancer.


Bubbles and Aoife were a dream team, a force to be reckoned with and best friends in the whole world. They would have spent every waking minute together if they could and Aoife's favourite place to be was right next to her pony. This is why it felt only fitting that not only should Aoife's charity be named after her pony, but that Bubbles should be our charity mascot. 


Not only does Bubbles provide invaluable support to the people that Aoife had to leave, she provides support to people who are just like Aoife and her family. Bubbles goes on trip to hospices to meet children who are unwell and provides them with a little bit of light and happiness in an otherwise very dark and very scary situation. 


Bubbles is also at the front of our awareness campaign. She has her own Instagram page (@bubblestheheroshetland), where we share lifesaving information and facts, including the symptoms of Germ Cell Cancer. Bubbles helps us to bring in a whole new audience and catch peoples attention. She is an integral part of team Aoife's Bubbles. 


The team have big plans for Bubbles. We want her face to be a symbol. A symbol for change, awareness and hope. 


See more pictures of Bubbles


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